Julian Martín

Born in Madrid in 1939. He began his career in 1956 and since then has worked for international productions and Spanish films for almost half a century. He worked for set construction workshops of Francisco Prosper and Francisco Asensio during the sixties and seventies painting backdrops, scenery and models for most of the American and British films that were made during those years.
During the 80 he begun to execute in camera glass shots for film and TV series.
Still working on films and teaches at the School of Film and Audiovisual at Madrid

Julian with a foregorunf painting for “Teresa de Jesus” (TV Series)


Julian Martin with a foreground painting made for the film “La hora de los valientes”

julianin-HoraValientesFX horavalientesPrado


- Toledo (TV Series) (2012)(head painter)
- Sombras en el viento (2009)(Short) (leaf painter)

- Teresa, el cuerpo de Cristo (2007)
- El reino de los cielos / The kingdom of Heaven (2005)
- Los otros (2001)
- La dama de porto Pi. (2001)
- Leyenda de fuego (2001)
- Talk of Angels (1998)
- La hora de los valientes (1998)
- La vuelta de el coyote (1998)
- La herida luminosa (1997)
- Las aventuras del Baron de Munchausen (1997)
- La ciudad de los prodigios
- Blasco Ibañez (Tv Serie) (1997)
- Historias del otro lado (Tv serie)(1996)
- Días contados (1994)
- 1492,Conquest of Paradise (1992)
- Celia TV Serie(1992)
- El día que nací yo (1991)
- El rey pasmado (1991)
- El Quijote, de Miguel de Cervantes (1991) (TV)
- La forja de un rebelde TV (1990)
- El cura de bargota (1990)
- El mundo de Juan lobon TV (1989)
- Esquilache (1989)
- Indiana Jones and the last crusade (1989) Indiana Jones and the last crusade
- Remando al viento (1988)
- A los 4 vientos (1987)
- La casa de Bernarda Alba (1987)
- Gallego (1987)
- Dragón Rapide (1986)
- El caballero del dragón (1985)
- Luces de Bohemia (85)
- Flesh & Blood (85)
- Los Pazos de Ulloa (1985) (TV)
- Los santos inocentes (1984)
- Teresa de Jesús (1983) (TV)
- Valentina (1982) (TV)
- Conan, the barbarian (1982)
- La esfinge /Sphinx (1981)
- Viaje al centro de la Tierra (1977)
- The wind and the Lion (1975)
- Horror express(1972)

- Nicolas and  Alexandra (1971)
- Patton (1970)
- Cromwell (1970)
- Battle of Britain ( 1969) Battle of Britain
- Cervantes (1967)
- Cotolay (1966)
- Samba (1965)
- Doctor Zivago (1965)
- Circus World (1965)
- The fall of the Roman Empire (1964)
- La reina de Chantecler (1962)
- 55 days in Pekin (1963)
- El Cid (1961)
- King of Kings (1960)
- Salomon and Sheba (1959)
- Los misterios del Rosario (1959)
- Carmen la de Ronda (1959)
- The pride and the passion (1957)
- El cantor de Mexico (1956)

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