Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Cinematography by Russell Metty
Production Design by Alexander Golitzen / Roger Forse
Art director. Spain unit: Gil Parrondo / Fernando Gonzalez
Construction coordinator. Spain Unit: Francisco Prosper
Scenic artist. Spain Unit: Emilio Ruiz del Rio
Matte painting: Russell Lawson
Additional Matte painting: Peter Ellenshaw
Special effects forced perspective figures: Wah Chang / Don Sahlin.
All but one of the Spartacus matte paintings were done at Universal’s matte painting department under the supervision of Russell Lawon.
For the establishing shot showing a view of Rome, Staley Kubrick requested that the painting be done by Peter Ellenshaw who at that time was the head of matte painting at Disney Studios.
The Rome view painted by Peter Ellenshaw.
Some more matte paintings made by Russell Lawson
Contrary to what some people think, the Spanish artist Emilio Ruiz del Rio did not paint matte paintings in Spartacus. His contribution was painting backdrops for a few interiors. Although most of the interior sets were made in Universal Studios, USA, a few interior sets were also built in Spain for a few shots in which Emilio Ruiz painted the backdrops.