Argentine VFX Matte and miniatures

The matte painting technique was known in Argentine  as “pintura completiva”. It is very difficult to establish  when or who started to use the matte and glass painting techniques in Argentine. For what I know,  it was used very often during the 40´S .

The first name associated to matte painting photography working in Argentine was Oren “Bob” Roberts. Born in California U.S.A,  brother of Irmin Roberts, he started to work at  Paramount Studios around 1921 as FX cinematographer. He moved to Buenos Aires around 1935 and remained there for the rest of his career until middle 50´S.

Another  pioneer was Ralph Pappier born at 1914, Shanghai, China. At 1936 he moved to Bueno Aires, where he developed a career as art director and director. Making use of his artistic skills, he was responsible for the special effects at most of his films. He used very often glass painting shots on films like: Madame Bovary (1947) or La guerra Gaucha (1942)

Working very often with Pappier was  cinematographer Americo Hoss. Born at 1914 in Budapest, Hungary, was a prolific  cinematographer. He moved to Argentine around 1935, started his career at San Miguel Studios in Buenos Aires where he worked  as special effects cinematographer, specially collaborating with Ralph Pappier and  art director Gori Muñoz.

1942 – La guerra Gaucha

1943 – Cuando florezca el naranjo

1944 - Cuando la primavera se equivoca

1944 – Su mejor alumno

1947 – Madame Bovary

1947 - Lucrecia Borgia

 Some other samples:

Uncredited matte paintings  from “La casta Susana” (1944)

casta susana 44 2 casta susana44

For the film  “La dama duende” (1945) they used a matte painting or a foreground miniature to complete the set with a ceiling. My guess is the second option.

ladamaduende 45-2


Two uncredited matte paintings for ” Allá en el setenta y tantos” (1945)

alla en el setnta y tanros 45 alla en el setnta y tanros 45-2

Uncredited matte painting  for “El hermoso Brumell” (1951) art director Gori Muñoz and cinematography by Americo Hoss.
