Richard Vander Wende


After graduating at the Art Center in Los Angeles he worked for Don Bluth animation Studio as background artist. At middle 80´s he started as matte artists at Industrial Light and Magic. He latter worked as conceptial designer
Richard Wander Wende working on a matte painting at ILM.

Richard Van Der WendeILM
Some samples of his conceptual designs for Willow.

WillowRVander1 WillowRVander2 WillowRVander3
For biography and samples of his work, visit his web page.


- Horton Hears a Who (2008)(color keys, matte painting)
- John carter of Mars (2008)( visual development)
Squirrel Boy (2006-7) (TV Series) (original color designer – 17 episodes)
- Aladdin (1992) Production Designer
- Tummy Trouble (1989) (background artist)
- Willow (1988) (conceptual artist)
- Innerspace (1987) (conceptual designer: ILM)
- Star Tours (1987) (matte painter: ILM) (uncredited)
- Howard the Duck (1986) (matte artist: ILM visual effects unit)
- Star treck IV (1986) (assistant matte artist: ILM)
- The golden child (1986) (assistant matte artist: ILM)
- Dragon’s Lair (1984)(background artist)
- Space Ace (1983) Video game (background artist)