Enrique Salvá

Enrique Salvá worked as scenic artist and backdrop painting during the 30´s and 40´s. Then art director Sigfredo Burman who learned the glass painting technique at UFA Studios Germany, told him about that trick and Enrique started to paint on glass at 1943. He took Emilio Ruiz del Rio under his tutelage during the 40´s and early 50´s. He also worked as art director. Died on a car accident at late 50´s.

Enrique Salvá at left with Emilio Riuz (right) on the sets of Alba de America. Below, the final image with the painting.

Filmography :
- Cabo de hornos, (1957) (matte painting) /Cape horn.
- Educando a papá (1955)
- Para siempre amor mío (1955) (matte shots)
- Un dia perdido (1954)
- La patrulla(1954)
- Como la tierra (1954)
- Cabaret (1953)
- Maleficio (1953)
- Andén, El (1957) (matte painting)
- Manchas de sangre en la luna (1952) Come Die My Love
- Cielo negro (1951) / Black sky
- Sin uniforme( 1950) (matte shots)
- La guitarra de Gardel (1949)
- La revoltosa (1949) ( matte shots)
- Mañana como hoy (1948) Amanhã Como Hoje (matte shots)
- Brindis a Manolete( 1948)
- Hoy no pasamos lista(1948)
- la esfinge maragata (1948)
- Dulcinea (1947) (matte shots)
- Cuando llega la noche (1946) (matte shots)
- tres espejos (mattepaint) (1946)L Vajda
- El doncel de la reina (1946) (matte paint) Cesar Fernandez Ardavin
- El abanderado (1943) (matte shots)


Mountain scape  matte painting for the film “Cape Horn” (1957)


Matte painting of the upper part of the building for “El Anden” (1957)

El Andén52
Matte painting for “La revoltosa” (1949)


Matte painting for the film Dulcinea(1947)


Matte painting for Cuando llega la noche(1946)
